In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful
Fatima is a female created by Allah to be a sing of his marvelous unprecedented might. For, the almighty lord created Mohammad (p.b.a.h) as a sign of his might among prophets; and created from him his daughter Fatima Zahra to be a sign of his ability to created a female possessing all moral excellence and talents
She is one of the prominent people close to Allah. In fact, Allah almighty bestowed Fatima with a vast and share of greatness and a high level of majesty. Which no other woman can ever claim to have reached
Naming newborn children is considered a principle divine rule. Allah almighty named Adam and eve the first day he created them
There may be a relationship between the name and its meaning; although this is not always true; but about Fatima there is a relationship between the name and the person which was considered
:Imam said (a.s) said
Fatima has nine names near Allah (exalted be his name), they are; At-Tahirah (virtuous), Siddigah (the honest), Al-Mobarakah (the blessed one), Az-Zakiyah (the chaste), Ar-Radhiatul Mardhiah (she who is gratified and who shall be satisfied), Al-Muhaddathah (a person other than a prophet that the angels speaks to). And Az-Zahra/the splendid
:As it was reported in V.10 of Bihar Al-Anwar, Ibn Abbas narrated that Allah’s messenger said
:Surly my daughter Fatima is
The Mistress of all woman from the beginning to the end
;She is part of me, and the light of my eyes
;She is the flower of my heart, and is my soul
Fatima is a human huri, who whenever she stands in prayers in the presence of her lord (Exalted is his name) her light illuminates the skies for the angels, like stars shine to people on earth
..This narration clarifies the reason for which Fatimah (a.s) was given the name Zahra